Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Saturday, the 25th – LuloCafe’s Album Launch

LuloCafe doing his thing on the decks
We often say: “it is a good idea to befriend your competitor today, as he/she could be your ally tomorrow.” With our hectic schedules this past week: having to remember our university responsibilities, attending press conferences, part-time jobs, and having to attend other numerous social events, we all forgot to RSVP to LuloCafe’s album launch invitation. Don’t get it twisted though; we were still able to get in without any hassles. A fellow blogger friend of ours invited us to tag along with her, which gave us a taste of how it feels to be “plus ones”. Obviously there is more to that Saturday than LuloCafe’s shindig, so here is what we got up to on the 25th:

The Cover of LuloCafe's album

We frequently spend quality time as friends on Thursdays, overindulging on disgustingly potent Melville cocktails. Since this past weekend was a long one, we made the faux dleng decision to go the extra mile and dedicate Thursday and Friday to our friendship and bonding. So you can just imagine how awful we felt on Saturday morning, or should I say: Saturday afternoon. Ob and I (Tumi) woke up still feeling intoxicated. The first thing we said to each other was: “never again.” Well, we honestly couldn’t live up to those words because we had responsibilities. Thanks to Mpho, the rest of the BEEDZ eventually woke up, and were convinced to attend a friend’s 21st birthday party in Rodepoort. It was astonishingly fun, emotional, and an overall pleasure to attend (considering the states we were in). It was a pity we had to leave early though, as we had to drive home to freshen up, fetch our friend, and then drive all the way to Sandton for the album launch.

LuloCafe used a dleng venue called Metro, in Sandton, for his launch. We had never been there before, so I suppose that was why we were all excited that we were going to experience the comforts, or discomforts, of a venue we had never experienced before. Upon our arrival, we were immediately impressed with the glass walls, chic chandeliers, and the upstairs bar area. Luckily, we were directed to head upstairs, and this made us even more excited because it meant that we would be able to dance and not be forced to sit the entire night. This was, after all, a launch for a House Music album.

In an attempt to appear as civilised as possible, we had to embark on the tedious task of greeting people we normally wouldn’t want to touch, let alone hug. On the other hand, we were lucky enough to start new friendships with people who demonstrated some hilarious and genuinely unpretentious qualities. In case you didn’t know, most celebrities tend to play the “I’m humble” game when journalists are around, even though many of them are arrogant, conceited, egotistical irritants. It was lovely to find that Lulo’s launch was not as celebrity-filled as we had anticipated. The launch was more about the music, and less about celebrities’ attempts to play that high school game we call “who’s the most popular?”

Nothende singing one of our favourite songs from the album: "I wanna love you"

LuloCafe presented his music in a pleasant fashion, especially for those who are not big House Music fans. The vocalists featured on his album performed for us live, and this helped us to put faces to the voices that have been making us dance for so long. It was engaging, and this was evident in how people cut short the conversations they were having in order move towards the dance floor. We were impressed with the music. Ob must have been even more impressed because he has been playing the album every day since the launch.

One of the people we had fun hanging with was blogger, Ms. Lelo from Just Curious . She is sweet, and really funny.

RJ Benjamin was also doing his thing with Lulo. If you are wondering why we dcided to use a picture of him with his eyes closed, well, that's because his eyes were closed throughout his time on stage. Strange man...

Ok, this guy was also featured by Lulo. He is quite a good singer, but... doesn't he look like a Vampire cyborg? I was just traumatized by the fangs... I mean 'teeth'. Whyyyyyyyyyyy?

Live presenter, Mini, looked quite stunning in that dress, and she was generally chilled and even prettier face to face. Thank goodness she was not working that night, because she could have poked our eyes out with her 'handy' presenting technique.

MXO, who's featured in Lulo's album, was also representing with his buddy Psyfo. Who knew that Psyfo is such a little diva. He refused to allow some people to photograph him. I guess that is how you roll when you become a bitter, irrelevant C-list celebrity.

After such a long day, we had to call it a night. Fortunately, most of the people we are not too close with had already left. So we gave out hugs and kisses like it was Christmas in September. It was a very dleng Saturday, with even more dlengalicious shindigs. Saturday, the 25th... Dleng!!!


Anonymous said...

LMFAO!!! "Fangs"? WOw!!!! You guys kill me.

MantsoePOUT said...

ke lerata ka lerato la CLOVER!

theBEEDZ said...

We love you too beau!!! XOXO

Unknown said...

Lulo Cafe is hot hey... I heard the launch was awesome. I love his new album and to be honest he is a very cool guy.